1999 – One Year after the Aitape Tsunami

PNG Red Cross alongside it’s Movement Partners IFRC and ICRC helping affected communities recover from the devastating Tsunami.

1999-One year after Aitape Tsunami – This video showcases the efforts of the Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society and its movement partners, the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and International Committe of Red Cross (ICRC) in aiding communities affected by a devastating tsunami in Aitape. The catastrophe occurred on July 17, 1998, when a 7.0 magnitude (Mw) earthquake struck the island of Papua New Guinea at 5:49 p.m. local time. Unfortunately, the terror did not end there for the villagers on the islands as they were hit by three catastrophic tsunami waves that destroyed entire villages including Sissano, Warapu, Arop, and Malomo on the north coast of Papua New Guinea. The disaster resulted in the loss of at least 1,600 lives, injured 1,000 people, and left more than 10,000 people displaced. However, with the assistance of the Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society and their partners, affected communities were able to recover from this tragic event.